Creating a place for Chinese calligraphy enthusiasts to gather and embrace the beauty of calligraphy through calligraphy lessons
Striving to cultivate new talents and inherit the Chinese culture
Ms Ng loved the art of Chinese calligraphy especially the regular style Yan Zhen Qing (颜真卿) and Wang Xizhi's (王羲之) cursive style since her childhood. Using her in depth understanding and more than nine years of experiences in calligraphy. Ms. Ng has developed an unique and systematic curriculum in her calligraphy lessons to guide her students into this art.
She hopes to impart her love for Chinese calligraphy to all and continue to learn and share her passion in this distinctive art. Ms. Ng's vision is to increase awareness and popularise this classic art and cultivate more calligraphy talents!
Instructor Qualification
The Chinese Calligraphy of Singapore (Honorary Councillor)
The Chinese Calligraphy of Singapore (Calligraphy Instructor)
Registered Calligraphy Instructor with The People's Association
Registered Calligraphy Instructor with The Ministry of Education
学书法让我欢喜让我悠。深深的记得第一次触碰毛筆的感觉,碰到心很舒服! 初次学基本笔画被(捺)筆画吸引住了,祂就像一把圆月刀。起初没认真对待书 法课,自觉这是错误的心态。所以决定每个星期一回学校上课,让自己的心更安定。
学书法与参加书法班大约有半年的时间,意外发现原来书法不只是书法!在这段期间我 最大的收获是练专注力和定力。在上初级班时,一开始我都只想把字快快写完, 无法慢慢静下心来写字。也因此急躁的心情,无法把基本的笔划写好。
练着练着,有一次我感觉到了我的专注力只在笔和纸上,当时头脑没了任何的杂念,写完有种莫名的感觉,像是一气呵成的完成一幅作品的满足感。看似简单的 点、横、竖、撇、捺、钩等。 在书法里却有很多挥写的原理!
每个星期一,老师总是不厌其烦的点出我的错处与常犯的毛病,让我对掌握书法的技巧与笔法有了更深的领悟。她也常常提醒我们一定要把基本笔法练好,要有雄厚的楷书基础。每当提笔蘸墨的片刻,内心有着一种莫名的悦静,很享受,因为每个字是我的心血,越写越有精神,越写越有自信。当我看着自己完成的作品时,那种喜悦是非笔墨可形容的。很感谢老师的指导, 她鼓励我们参与春联活动和参展。因为参与这些活动让我受益匪浅,增加了许多的信心。 学书法的这个旅程 ,真的不容易,天天练字,也不知用了多少的纸和墨。
记得大概十年前就想学书法,因为我是左撇子,心里想应该找不到愿意教我这个左撇子的良师。在机缘巧合,看到老师IG 的广告,便试着问一问。
Aiqi Fang
Learning Chinese calligraphy with 洁贞老师 has been inspiring and transformative.
Her passion for the art of writing is contagious, and her deep knowledge has significantly shortened my learning curve. She can spot issues in my homework at a glance, guiding me to improve through practice or storytelling.
If you would like to enquire about Chinese calligraphy for beginners, or calligraphy lessons schedule, please contact us!
3 AMK St 62, #03-26, Link@AMK Singapore 569139
By Bus Take the bus 268. Alight after AMK Fire Station, right outside Link@AMK. [~15~20mins] By MRT Take MRT to Yio Chu Kang MRT, walk towards AMK Fire Station. (bring umbrella in case of bad weather) By Car Please park at B1 carpark
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